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Drymen Business Hub - a place to work remotely.
Drymen Business Hub provides an alternative workplace to home or the office. Book a desk, meeting room, or all the space on a one-off, ad-hoc, or ongoing basis.
The hub can host meetings, conferences, video calls, and presentations and is the perfect quiet workspace.
Based above the showroom of Fraser C Robb, on Stirling Road between Glasgow and Stirling, just outside the village of Drymen the hub has a lift access if required. Get in touch if you have any questions.
Book Our Facilities
Our Blog
We have published a series of articles to help businesses cope through Covid-19 pandemic, you can read these below. Do also check out our full series of blogs and articles about rural working at the link below.
Drymen Business Hub
Drymen Business Hub is owned and operated by Fraser C Robb Ltd. and has been supported by Stirling Council, Forth Valley & Lomond LEADER programme 2014-2020 and The Scottish Government, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.