Networking for Success
This Thursday ,the 19th September ,at the Hub we are hosting a business networking event in partnership with local leading business directory Parklife.
To be honest people still see events such as the one we are hosting, as a waste of time and others see them as terrifying.In truth they are not a waste of time and they should not be terrifying.They shoud be viewed as time well spent in so many ways.
Build Business Relationships
Networking is a long-term strategy thar requires patience .It really is a first step to creating, building and nurturing relationships that will lead to strategic referrals,alliances, and joint ventures. New business relationships and connections can be started effectively at business networking events.The networking event is the first step it is up to you how you nurture and develop these contacts.
Keep Up-To-Date With Trends
When attending an event you may find yourself in company of people from your own industry .You are bound to getting talking about the recent happennings and goings on..You get to keep up to date with trends and market developments.This knowledge can easily give you an edge on the competition.
Connect With Key Influencers
Networking events may also throw up chance meetings with key influencers in your sector or industry.These opportunities to introduce yourself or say hello should not be missed.
.Indeed it would be no harm then to contact them via social media to thank them for taking the time to chat.
Be Motivated
Networking events should have you leaving with new ideas or be inspired..When you are placed in a room with people you consider achievers, it is hard not to go home and wonder what else you can be doing. Often times, these speakers will give you the boost that you need to take action.
Building Your Team
There is no doubt that the job market and the ways to recruit staff is changing quickly.Networking events can be a wonderful way to meet new candidates.
It is a fantastic way to get an informal understanding of a person and decide if that person can take your business to the next level.
Increases Visibility
Networking is more than just a personal promotion and increasing your customer base. Rathermore network events are about expanding on your existing group of friends ,acquaintances and customers.Going to networking events is an important marketing strategy.
Master Your Message
A business networking event is the perfect place to to deliver the message of what your business stands for.A bit like speed dating you have less than a minute to convey who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique.Try to be relaxed and not pushy or brag about your business.Also the traditional approach of carrying business cards should also be considered.
One of the most succesfull of all businessman Richard Branson once said, “Succeeding in business is all about making connections.” .This is so true .Networking is by far, the most effective way to land your dream job/partnership. It may not be the only way, but it sure is the most successful.